Monday, July 15, 2013

Your Mind's Eye

Here is a question for you.  What do you see when you close your eyes?  Try it.  Close your eyes for about five minutes or so and peruse the images that appear before your mind's eye.  Are the images that you see emotional snapshots that evoke feelings of comfort and tranquility?  Or do the images that appear before your closed eyes provoke feelings of discord or agitation? 
If this brief exercise moved you to feelings that do not quicken  a sense of mental comfort you may need to adjust the focus of your "Mind's Eye"
Try it again, close your eyes.  Inhale, exhale.  Yes, take  a couple of deep cleansing breaths and filter out all images that distort or detract from a focused state of serene mental rest.  Allow only images that bring you comfort and peace to be your primary focus as you see through your "mind's eye.  Let these comforting and tranquil mental images to take you to an oasis of picturesque tranquility.  Allow your mind's eye to focus on all that is tranquil and serene...

Follow Serenity,

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