Tuesday, July 9, 2013

You Are A Navigator!

Hey there friend, do you realize that you control your thoughts. Yes, that is absolutely correct.  You are the master craftsman of conceptual cogitation! You can and should be the navigator of your thought life. 
At times in our lives and more time than not, we allow negative, inaccurate, and self-destructive concepts to influence our flow of thought. These kinds of thoughts are counterproductive to tranquil meditation.
Just as a farmer plants specific seeds in order to produce specific plants or veggies so should we plant within our minds, thoughts that promote peace and mental rest.
Start now by adjusting or even disregarding all negative thoughts that are floating around in your mind.  Reject all thoughts that lead you to a place of agitation, depression, or any space that is less than tranquil. 
Let this moment be the moment that you begin to take control of how you process that which you think.  Replace negative, depressing, fearful, and  self-doubting thoughts with those that promote comfort, and peace.
Remember that you are the navigator of your thought life! You are in control of the ship that sails along carrying your thoughts. Allow the winds of peace, comfort, and tranquility to move your vessel of thoughts along the sea that is called Serenity!

Follow Serenity,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting Serenity Room 3! Contine to follow Serenity!

  2. Thanks for reminding me that im a navigator of my own thoughts

  3. Thank you for not just telling us that we should have control over our thought life but how to do it.

    "Just as a farmer plants specific seeds in order to produce specific plants or veggies so should we plant within our minds, thoughts that promote peace and mental rest."

    Love it, thank you!!!

  4. Have a great day as you allow your vessel of thoughts to carry you to your place of rest!

    Follow Serenity,
