Monday, July 1, 2013

Contentment vs Complacency

This picture was really deep to me when I saw it.  It made me think about contentment for some odd reason.  Well let me explain..

The Water:  The Water represents the future and moving forward.  It represents goals, aspirations, and destinations that people have in mind. 

The Sand:  A grain of Sand is able to experience the water for extended periods of time, but due to the force of the waves over time each grain of sand ends up back on the shore.  Once this occurs the sand begins on its journey to reach the water once again. The sand can be seen as a middle class citizen with aspirations of living the lavish lifestyle that is glorified by the media.  This individual faithfully saves his/her earnings so he or she can eventually reach a point where they can live a momentary lifestyle of extravagance.  This individual experiences new things and new places which will eventually be snatched away from him/her when the time has come to return to his/her normal lifestyle.  He/she will begin again to aggressively save to reach that point of enjoyment because the individual is not content with where they are.. the cycle continues.

The Rocks:  A rock is of course stationary and hard to move.  Not much is expected of a rock and I'm sure a rock doesn't expect much from fellow rocks. The rocks spend most of their time sun bathing and site seeing.  They never experience the water because they feel happy and comfortable where they are.  The rocks represent lower class citizens.  At times they may not have the means to save for a lavish experience.  They focuses more on just living from day to day.  They appear to have a lot less stress in their lives.  They longs for cozy nights with a cup of hot chocolate and a book, they simply enjoy the "smaller" things in life.  They may seem to have peace but they may also be oblivious to the world outside of their community. They are exposed only to one way of thought.  Is this really peace or are they satisfied with not moving forward?

Now that I have explained each element here's the ultimate question..

Does contentment promote complacency?



  1. Wow, very thought provoking...
    Very powerful

  2. . Thank you for your thoughts on complacency. I was almost to complacent to post :).

  3. Well...It is sometimes my struggle to be content in whatever situation I might find myself in and that is why I ask for the Lords grace to be content. 1Tim 6:6 states: [And it is, indeed, a source of immense profit, for] godliness accompanied with contentment (that contentment which is a sense of inward sufficiency) is great and abundant gain.
    I believe that being complacent is being lazy and I have been reminded of a scripture for that also: Rev. 3:15-16:
    15 I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot!

    16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!
    I believe that just because you are content it doesn't make you complacent (lazy). I think we should all try and be more content:

  4. So many clues in nature. thank you
