Monday, July 15, 2013


As I walk through life I see people's souls dying
And I find crying more often than I see those smiling
Its more like people know they're lying
you kno when they say "no love dnt stop they heart frm shining"

But forget it all you can say is let them die
NO! ill never give up on my people i guess i just lied

Ima still love these "soul-less" people like Moses
And when they die ill bring there mothers roses

I swear all the people dying is like at an all time high and they relate this to boredom.
But to me i swear the devil scoring triple doubles every night like Jordan.

lol Mexican and black tensions or was it the white mans intentions
Or does it really matter!? just let that love rise like the smoke from incense.

ill always love my people you already know this
and when you culminate ill be at the other side with roses

if only people could see the importance.. the shortage
 its time to take yall brains outta storage
and screw them on like sprinkler heads on water hoses
and when that water comes on be sure to water the new roses.

if you're not gonna open your eyes let them remain forever closed
but remember when EVER you wake up ill always be there to deliver your rose!


Your Mind's Eye

Here is a question for you.  What do you see when you close your eyes?  Try it.  Close your eyes for about five minutes or so and peruse the images that appear before your mind's eye.  Are the images that you see emotional snapshots that evoke feelings of comfort and tranquility?  Or do the images that appear before your closed eyes provoke feelings of discord or agitation? 
If this brief exercise moved you to feelings that do not quicken  a sense of mental comfort you may need to adjust the focus of your "Mind's Eye"
Try it again, close your eyes.  Inhale, exhale.  Yes, take  a couple of deep cleansing breaths and filter out all images that distort or detract from a focused state of serene mental rest.  Allow only images that bring you comfort and peace to be your primary focus as you see through your "mind's eye.  Let these comforting and tranquil mental images to take you to an oasis of picturesque tranquility.  Allow your mind's eye to focus on all that is tranquil and serene...

Follow Serenity,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


 These Gerber Daisies are for you, just because!   You are special!  You are truly appreciated! These flowers are reflective of the beauty that is you!  BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTY THAT IS YOU! 
As you continue to seek out your pathway to Serenity, life will provide you with treasured moments of peace and joy. Allow the simplicity of tranquil thought to lead you through a day filled with peace and comfort.  
Take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the Gerber Daisy. These flowers are yours to meditate on as you wish.  Let this colorful arrangement of flowers transport you to a place of peace.  You owe it to yourself to close your eyes and allow your mind to be consumed by the color of the Gerbers!

Love yourself to a place of peace....

Follow Serenity,

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

You Are A Navigator!

Hey there friend, do you realize that you control your thoughts. Yes, that is absolutely correct.  You are the master craftsman of conceptual cogitation! You can and should be the navigator of your thought life. 
At times in our lives and more time than not, we allow negative, inaccurate, and self-destructive concepts to influence our flow of thought. These kinds of thoughts are counterproductive to tranquil meditation.
Just as a farmer plants specific seeds in order to produce specific plants or veggies so should we plant within our minds, thoughts that promote peace and mental rest.
Start now by adjusting or even disregarding all negative thoughts that are floating around in your mind.  Reject all thoughts that lead you to a place of agitation, depression, or any space that is less than tranquil. 
Let this moment be the moment that you begin to take control of how you process that which you think.  Replace negative, depressing, fearful, and  self-doubting thoughts with those that promote comfort, and peace.
Remember that you are the navigator of your thought life! You are in control of the ship that sails along carrying your thoughts. Allow the winds of peace, comfort, and tranquility to move your vessel of thoughts along the sea that is called Serenity!

Follow Serenity,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Mind Time"

You have heard of mommy time, me time, and family time how about" MIND TIME"?  Your mind has earned a time out.  A time of rest and rejuvenation.  We know that to rest the body is necessary for sound physical health however, we do not apply that same philosophy to our mental well being. We are constantly and at times frantically assessing, analyzing, and deducing. Taxing our mental state to the point of near exhaustion or in some cases to the point of a total mental break down.
It's time to still our mind and allow for a time of peace filled mental rest.  A tranquil  state of mind  is to be purposefully  pursued. 
It is essential that we begin to adjust our priorities so that "MIND TIME" becomes a priority in our daily lives!  Doing whatever it takes to allow for cerebral rejuvenation is a necessary prescription for  prolonged SOUND mental health!
MAKE time for a quiet stroll through the park.  TAKE an hour or so to read a book or listen to a soothing piece of music.  STOP and  MAKE time to  paint or knit.   TAKE time to golf, shoot hoops, or toss a horseshoe.  If you can do  nothing else, TAKE A MOMENT to enjoy the flowers posted here at Serenity Room3.  DO what ever it takes to provide your mind with a dose of serene and tranquil medicinal peace.  


Follow Serenity,


Monday, July 1, 2013

Contentment vs Complacency

This picture was really deep to me when I saw it.  It made me think about contentment for some odd reason.  Well let me explain..

The Water:  The Water represents the future and moving forward.  It represents goals, aspirations, and destinations that people have in mind. 

The Sand:  A grain of Sand is able to experience the water for extended periods of time, but due to the force of the waves over time each grain of sand ends up back on the shore.  Once this occurs the sand begins on its journey to reach the water once again. The sand can be seen as a middle class citizen with aspirations of living the lavish lifestyle that is glorified by the media.  This individual faithfully saves his/her earnings so he or she can eventually reach a point where they can live a momentary lifestyle of extravagance.  This individual experiences new things and new places which will eventually be snatched away from him/her when the time has come to return to his/her normal lifestyle.  He/she will begin again to aggressively save to reach that point of enjoyment because the individual is not content with where they are.. the cycle continues.

The Rocks:  A rock is of course stationary and hard to move.  Not much is expected of a rock and I'm sure a rock doesn't expect much from fellow rocks. The rocks spend most of their time sun bathing and site seeing.  They never experience the water because they feel happy and comfortable where they are.  The rocks represent lower class citizens.  At times they may not have the means to save for a lavish experience.  They focuses more on just living from day to day.  They appear to have a lot less stress in their lives.  They longs for cozy nights with a cup of hot chocolate and a book, they simply enjoy the "smaller" things in life.  They may seem to have peace but they may also be oblivious to the world outside of their community. They are exposed only to one way of thought.  Is this really peace or are they satisfied with not moving forward?

Now that I have explained each element here's the ultimate question..

Does contentment promote complacency?
