Saturday, June 29, 2013

Serenity Room 3 First Visitor!

Well hello there!  Come right in and have a seat.  It is so good to see you.  I was hoping you would come by for a time of rest.   I have prepared chicken soup for us to share while you visit with me here at Serenity Room.  Let me take your coat and bag.   Make yourself comfortable.  Sit back, take your shoes off, put your feet up, take a deep breath and relaaax!
It was exactly a week ago that my son and I made Serenity Room available as a place of rest for the weary mind.  So often we move about our  daily and or weekly routine and never take the time to find a place to still the mind.  I believe the mind longs for a time and place of rest. What do you think?   Yes, I thought that you would agree.
What's that you say?  You say the aroma of the chicken soup is a soothing sensation that is causing your anxious and restless thoughts to drift away into the abyss of oblivion.  Well mission accomplished!  Lay your head back close your eyes and let the aroma of the soup seasoned with bay leaves, thyme, basil, oregano and lemon juice comfort your mind causing it to move to a space of tranquility and peace.
As you continue sitting there with your head resting, eyes closed allowing your mind to quiet itself, know that you are loved!  Never doubt that!  You are a significant part of life that helps to keep time and space in perfect balance. Take another deep breath and inhale the aroma that is you. Just as the seasonings in the chicken soup help to create a pleasantly fragrant aroma for the senses know that you are one of life's seasonings created to make time and space pleasantly fragrant! You must believe this.  If you don't who will. Time and space need you to be you! Just you! You are that unique seasoning that brings the most wonderful flavor to this soup of time and space we call life.
Here I am going on and on silly me!  I'll be quiet now so that you can continue to rest your mind. As you continue to rest meditate on and appreciate all that is you.
When your done resting you can get your bag and coat and see yourself out.  Take care of yourself and remember that you are loved and always welcome to visit me here  at Serenity Room 3. 

Follow Serenity,

Friday, June 28, 2013

From this Son to His Mother > Thank you for encouraging me in virtually every avenue.  Your soft push really does help me grasp my goals when I reach a point of frustration and fatigue. Thank you for wanting to make this joint blog with me, I'm honored. 

-Love Ya'
From this mother to her son> Thank you for helping to create Serenity Room.  Your love for me and dedication to this virtual room of peace  truly inspires a soothing calm to my wearied mind!